Investor Insights is a tool for Institutional Investors to monitor stocks, identify information from them, get latest news and make informed decisions.
To facilitate stock buying decision for investors, technical indicators such as Simple Moving Average (SMA), Bollinger Bands, Exponential Moving Average(EMA), etc. were displayed. The dashboard was made using the Tableau API, and then integrated in a ReactJS Application using the Tableau API.
Using an LSTM based model, the close price of the stock was forecast for the next 2 years. This allows investors to get a general trend of the stock price in the future, allowing them to make informed decisions.
Using the Quarters earnings call text data, a sentiment score of the last quarter for a stock was generated using BERT, which illustrated whether a stock is performing well in the market. To make the users stay informed with the current news about the stock, a news API was integrated and the latest news was displayed.